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Magalhães, António, M. L. Machado-Taylor, J.S. Taylor, and Maria José Sá. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior: Constructos Teóricos [Higher Education Student Satisfaction: Theoretical Constructs]. In Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students], 7-50. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students]. Matosinhos: CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, 2013.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., R. Brites, and Maria José Sá. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior: Análise E Discussão Dos Resultados [Higher Education Student Satisfaction: Analysis And Discussion Of Results]. In Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students], 63-177. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students]. Matosinhos: CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, 2013.
Diogo, Sara. Same Challenges, Different Processes: Perceptions On Governance Changes In Portuguese And Finnish Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education (2014). doi:10.1080/21568235.2014.967793.
Sá, Maria José, Elisabete Ferreira, and K. Ramos. Saberes E Fazeres Docentes: Uma Reflexão Sobre Autonomia E Sucesso No Ensino Superior [Academics’ Knowing And Doing: A Reflection On Autonomy And Success In Higher Education]. Educação – Revista Da Faculdade De Educação Da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul 38, no. 2. Educação – Revista Da Faculdade De Educação Da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul (2015): 280-288.
Tavares, Orlanda. The Role Of Students' Employability Perceptions On Portuguese Higher Education Choices. Journal Of Education And Work 30. Journal Of Education And Work (2017): 106-121.
Melo, Ana Sofia. The Role Of Public Managers On Organisational Performance Measurement And Management. The Case Of Higher Education Institutions. A Comparative Study Of Portugal And The Uk. In Seminário Do Centro De Estudos Em Governação E Politicas Públicas (Cegopp). Seminário Do Centro De Estudos Em Governação E Politicas Públicas (Cegopp). Aveiro (Portugal), Universidade de Aveiro, May 12, 2006.
Amaral, Alberto. The Role Of Governments And Institutions: The Portuguese And The Brazilian Cases. Quality In Higher Education 1. Quality In Higher Education (1995): 249-256.
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Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Rituais De Transição No Ensino Superior Português: A Praxe Enquanto Processo De Reconfiguração Identitária [Transition Rituals In Portuguese Higher Education: Hazing As An Identity Reconfiguration Process]. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educación: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación 21, no. 1. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educación: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2013): 21-34.
Teixeira, P., and Pablo Landoni. The Rise Of Private Higher Education: Patterns Of Development And Regulatory Challenges. In Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges, 21-34. Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-911-9_2.
Amaral, Alberto, and P. Teixeira. The Rise And Fall Of The Private Sector In Portuguese Higher Education. Higher Education Policy 13. Higher Education Policy (2000): 245-266. doi:10.1016/S0952-8733(00)00011-8.
Amaral, Alberto. Riconoscimento Del Ticino Come Cantone Universitario. Report For The Swiss Federal Government. Report For The Swiss Federal Government, 2000.
Magalhães, António. Rhetoric And Discourse In He Policy-Making. In Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Pedro Nuno Teixeira and Jung-Cheol Shin. Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Rotterdam: Springer, 2018. doi:
Sá, Carla, and Alberto Amaral. Revisiting Market-Oriented Higher Education And Academic Capitalism. In Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance, 338-356. Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023.
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Teixeira, P., V. Rocha, Ana Rita Biscaia, and M.F. Cardoso. Revenue Diversification In Public Higher Education: Comparing The University And Polytechnic Sectors. Public Administration Review 74. Public Administration Review (2014): 398-412. doi:10.1111/puar.12215.
Dias, D., and Diana Soares. Retrieving Civic Dimensions In Higher Education Curricula: Is Learning Improving Students’ Civic Development?. In Edulearn16 Proceedings. Edulearn16 Proceedings. IATED Academy, 2016. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2016.0785.

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