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Melo, Ana Sofia, and Cláudia Sarrico. Performance Management Systems And Their Influence On The Governance Structures Of Portuguese Universities: A Case Study. In Incentives And Performance, 81-97. Incentives And Performance. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09785-5\_25.
Melo, Ana Sofia. The Bologna Process In Portugal And At The University Of Aveiro. In Primera Reunión De La Red Europea De Grado En Comercio. Primera Reunión De La Red Europea De Grado En Comercio. Alicante (Espanha), Universidad de Alicante, September 27-28, 2005.
Melo, Ana Sofia. Impacto Dos Estágios Curriculares Na Empregabilidade Dos Licenciados: A Visão Dos Stakeholders Internos. In Seminar “The Impact Of Internships On The Employability Of Graduates”. Seminar “The Impact Of Internships On The Employability Of Graduates”, 2014.
Melo, Ana Sofia. Governance Structures And Performance Management Systems In Universities. In Research Meeting Of The Operations Management Group Of The Warwick Business School. Research Meeting Of The Operations Management Group Of The Warwick Business School. University of Warwick, Coventry (UK), May 21, 2008.
Melo, Ana Sofia, and Hugo Figueiredo. Evaluación Del Desempeño Organizativo De Las Instituciones De Educacion Superior: Indicadores Para La Investigación Aplicada, Creación Cultural Y Su Impacto Territorial. In Xiii Foro Internacional Sobre La Evaluación De La Calidad De La Investigación Y De La Educación Superior (Fecies). Xiii Foro Internacional Sobre La Evaluación De La Calidad De La Investigación Y De La Educación Superior (Fecies), 2016.
Melo, Ana Sofia, and Carlos Rodrigues. Evaluating The Third Academic Mission: Merely 'Impressionistic'?. In Regional Studies Association European Conference 2013. Regional Studies Association European Conference 2013. Tampere (Finlândia), 5-8 de maio, 2013.
Melo, Ana Sofia, and E. Brito. Comércio Em Águeda: Que Futuro?. In Xii Encontro Da Associação Portuguesa Para O Desenvolvimento Regional (Apdr). Xii Encontro Da Associação Portuguesa Para O Desenvolvimento Regional (Apdr). Viseu (Portugal), Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, September 15-17, 2006.
Meek, L., Leo Goedegebuure, Rui Santiago, and Teresa Carvalho. The Changing Dynamics Of Higher Education Middle Management. Higher Education Dynamics. Vol. 28. Higher Education Dynamics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010.
Meek, L., Leo Goedegebuure, Rui Santiago, and Teresa Carvalho. Introduction. In The Changing Dynamics Of Higher Education Middle Management, 1–14. The Changing Dynamics Of Higher Education Middle Management. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9163-5_1.
Mazuz, K, S Biswas, and Rui Amaral Mendes. Toward An Informed-Patient Approach To E-Health Services. International Journal Of User-Driven Healthcare. International Journal Of User-Driven Healthcare (2015). doi:doi:10.4018/IJUDH.2015010105.
Mazuz, K, S Biswas, and Rui Amaral Mendes. Toward An Informed-Patient Approach To E-Health Services. In Public Health And Welfare. Public Health And Welfare. IGI Global, 2017. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1674-3.ch059.
Marshall, Guy, Sheffield A Neave, and S. Lall. Imperial Institute Of Entomology. Bulletin Of Entomological Research 33. Bulletin Of Entomological Research (1942): 145. doi:10.1017/s0007485300026407.
Marques, C. S, G. Santos, E. Justino, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Empreendedorismo Feminino E Internacionalização: Um Estudo Bibliométrico. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior, 2017.

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