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O'Connor, Pat, Teresa Carvalho, A. Vabø, and Sónia Cardoso. Gender In Higher Education: A Critical Review. In The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance, 569-584. The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
O'Connor, Pat, Teresa Carvalho, and Kate White. The Experiences Of Senior Positional Leaders In Australian, Irish And Portuguese Universities: Universal Or Contingent?. Higher Education Research And Development 33, no. 1. Higher Education Research And Development (2014): 5-18. doi:
O'Connor, Pat, and Teresa Carvalho. Different Or Similar: Constructions Of Leadership By Senior Managers In Irish And Portuguese Universities. Studies In Higher Education 40, no. 9. Studies In Higher Education (2014): 1679-1693. doi: .

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