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Magalhães, António. A Reconfiguração Do Mandato Político Endereçado À Educação Superior Europeia. Eccos – Revista Científica set./dez. 2018., no. 47. Eccos – Revista Científica (2018): 127-148.
Magalhães, António, and L.G. Veiga. Reconfiguring Education And Research In The European Higher Education Area. Revista Lusófona De Educação no. 42. Revista Lusófona De Educação (2018): 11-25.
Magalhães, António. Rhetoric And Discourse In He Policy-Making. In Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Pedro Nuno Teixeira and Jung-Cheol Shin. Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Rotterdam: Springer, 2018. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1_154-1.
Magalhães, António, L.G. Veiga, and Maria José Sá. Portugal: Portuguese Case-Study. Higher Education And Brexit: Current European Perspectives . Higher Education And Brexit: Current European Perspectives . London: Centre for Global Higher Education, 2018.
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Pekkola, Elias, Teresa Carvalho, Taru Sikkinen, and Jan-Erik Johansson. The Sociology Of Professions And The Study Of The Academic Profession. In Theoretical And Methodological Perspectives On Higher Education Management And Transformation : An Advanced Reader For Phd Students, 121-150. E. Pekkola, J. Kivistö, V. Kohtamäki, Y. Cai, A. Lyytinen. Theoretical And Methodological Perspectives On Higher Education Management And Transformation : An Advanced Reader For Phd Students. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press, 2018. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201809254231.
Pereira, C., Joaquim Filipe Fer Araújo, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. The Brazilian Higher Education Evaluation Model: 'Sinaes' Sui Generis?. International Journal Of Educational Development 61. International Journal Of Educational Development (2018): 5-15.
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Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, and Sandra Santos. Rastreio Universal: Implicações Para A Intervenção. In Ix Encontro Língua Portuguesa Nos Primeiros Anos De Escolaridade: Investigação E Boas Práticas | Iii Jornadas Internacionais De Leitura, Educação E Sucesso Escolar | Iv Jornadas Internacionais De Alfabetização. Ix Encontro Língua Portuguesa Nos Primeiros Anos De Escolaridade: Investigação E Boas Práticas | Iii Jornadas Internacionais De Leitura, Educação E Sucesso Escolar | Iv Jornadas Internacionais De Alfabetização. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Educação, 2018.
Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, and Sandra Santos. Promoting Oracy In Kindergarten. In International Research Seminar On Focus On Oracy Of The Special Interest Group Reading & Writing & Oracy Of Arle. International Research Seminar On Focus On Oracy Of The Special Interest Group Reading & Writing & Oracy Of Arle. Leiden, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 2018.
Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, Sandra Santos, Bruna Rodrigues, Maria do Céu Cosme, Ana Sofia Melo, and Lurdes Costa. Da Conceção À Validação De Um Modelo Integrado De Intervenção Nas Dificuldades Na Aprendizagem Da Leitura. In 6Th International Conference Of Educational Sciences And Development. 6Th International Conference Of Educational Sciences And Development. Setúbal, 2018.
Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, Sandra Santos, Bruna Rodrigues, Maria do Céu Cosme, Helena Costa, and Lurdes Costa. Ensinar A Ler E A Compreender No 1º Ano No Quadro De Uma Abordagem Multinível. In 6Th International Conference Of Educational Sciences And Development. 6Th International Conference Of Educational Sciences And Development. Setúbal, 2018.
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Sá, Maria José, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and Teresa Carvalho. O Ensino Superior Em Portugal. O Impulso De Bolonha E Os Desafios Presentes E Futuros [Higher Education In Portugal. The Bologna Momentum And The Present And Future Challenges]. In Ensino Superior No Brasil E Em Portugal: Atualidades, Questões E Inquietações, 45-69. Ensino Superior No Brasil E Em Portugal: Atualidades, Questões E Inquietações. Lisboa: Educa, 2018.
Sá, Maria José, and Sandro Serpa. Transversal Competences. Encyclopedia. Section: Social Sciences, Education Studies. Encyclopedia. Section: Social Sciences, Education Studies, 2018. https://encyclopedia.pub/83.
Sá, Maria José, and Sandro Serpa. Transversal Competences: Their Importance And Learning Processes By Higher Education Students. Education Sciences 8, no. 126. Education Sciences (2018): 1-12. doi:10.3390/educsci8030126.

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