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Neave, G. Reform And Outcomes. Higher Education Policy 12. Higher Education Policy (1999): 281–284. doi:10.1057/palgrave.hep.8391002.
Neave, G. Reform - Contemplated And Reconsidered. Higher Education Policy 18. Higher Education Policy (2005): 1-3.
Neave, G. The Reform Of French Higher Education, Or The Ox And The Toad: A Fabulous Tale. Higher Education Quarterly 42. Higher Education Quarterly (1988): 353-369.
Bruckmann, Sofia, and Teresa Carvalho. The Reform Process Of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions: From Collegial To Managerial Governance. Tertiary Education And Management 20, no. 3. Tertiary Education And Management (2014): 193-206.
Sá, Maria José, and Sandro Serpa. The Relationship Between Basic Education And Higher Education In A Pandemic Context: The Portuguese Situation. Science Insights Education Frontiers 8, no. 2. Science Insights Education Frontiers (2021): 1029-1036. doi:10.15354/sief.21.sc002.
Teixeira, P. A Reluctant Founding Father: Placing Jacob Mincer In The History Of (Labor) Economics. European Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought 18, no. 5. European Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought (2011): 673-695. doi:10.1080/09672567.2011.629055.
Monteiro, N.P., and Miguel Portela. Rent Sharing In Portuguese Banking. Manchester School 79. Manchester School (2011): 861-883.
Grimshaw, Damian, J. Rubery, and Hugo Figueiredo. A Reply To Comments By John Forth And Hilary Metcalf And By Wiemer Salverda. Industrial Relations Journal 36. Industrial Relations Journal (2013): 419-423.
Santiago, Rui, Teresa Carvalho, and R. Relva. Research And The Universities' Image. European Journal Of Education 43. European Journal Of Education (2008): 495–512. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3435.2008.00370.x.
Braddock, R., and G. Neave. Research Management In Higher Education: Overview And Conclusion Of A Debate. Higher Education Policy 15. Higher Education Policy (2002): 313-330.
Cardoso, Sónia, Maria João Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. Researching Higher Education In Portugal. European Journal Of Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education (2022). https://doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2022.2125887.
Sin, Cristina. Researching Research In Master's Degrees In Europe. European Educational Research Journal 11. European Educational Research Journal (2012): 290-301.
Veiga, L.G. Researching The Bologna Process Through The Lens Of The Policy Cycle. European And Latin American Higher Education Between Mirrors. European And Latin American Higher Education Between Mirrors (2014): 91-108.
Soares, Diana, and D. Dias. Resultados De Aprendizagem No Quadro Do Ensino Superior Português: O Caso Da Psicologia E Da Educação. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2017): 37. doi:10.17979/reipe.2017.0.12.2421.
Dias, D., Diana Soares, L. Almeida, Claisy Maria Marinho-Araujo, and António G Ferreira. Resultados De Aprendizagem No Quadro Do Ensino Superior Português: Definição E Medida. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2017): 41. doi:10.17979/reipe.2017.0.12.2423.
Buhai, I.S., Miguel Portela, C.N. Teulings, and A. van Vuuren. Returns To Tenure Or Seniority?. Econometrica 82. Econometrica (2014): 705-730.
Teixeira, P., V. Rocha, Ana Rita Biscaia, and M.F. Cardoso. Revenue Diversification In Public Higher Education: Comparing The University And Polytechnic Sectors. Public Administration Review 74. Public Administration Review (2014): 398-412. doi:10.1111/puar.12215.
Amaral, Alberto, and P. Teixeira. The Rise And Fall Of The Private Sector In Portuguese Higher Education. Higher Education Policy 13. Higher Education Policy (2000): 245-266. doi:10.1016/S0952-8733(00)00011-8.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Rituais De Transição No Ensino Superior Português: A Praxe Enquanto Processo De Reconfiguração Identitária [Transition Rituals In Portuguese Higher Education: Hazing As An Identity Reconfiguration Process]. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educación: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación 21, no. 1. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educación: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2013): 21-34.
Neave, G. On The Road To Silicon Valley? The Changing Relationship Between Higher Education And Government In Western Europe. European Journal Of Education 19. European Journal Of Education (1984): 111. doi:10.2307/1502784.

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