Sara Pinheiro
Separadores primários

Nome próprio:
Nome do grau:
Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação
Ano de conclusão:
Interesses de investigação:
Education; Citizenship; European Citizenship; National Citizenship; Education for European Citizenship; Civic Participation; Climate Change; Climate Justice; Youth decision-making; Populations in situations of social and economic vulnerability; Non-dominant ethnic groups; Minority groups and their relationship with education; Educational paths; Young people; Youth cultures; Border regions; School; Diversity; Culture; Educational Research; Roma Studies. She has worked as an evaluator of Portuguese higher education courses and internal quality assurance systems at the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).
Nota biográfica:
Sara Pinheiro has a bachelor degree (issued in 2008), a master's degree (2010) and a PhD in Education Sciences (2020) from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP). I am also an accredited trainer in the following areas: Education for Citizenship (Intercultural Education), Relationships between Education and Society and, Conception and Organisation of Educational Projects, by the Scientific and Pedagogical Council for Continuous Training (CCPFC). She has published 7 scientific articles in indexed journals, and has 1 book on European and, young people's senses of belonging. Sara is co-authored 5 chapters of the book: In Roma and Education: Collaborative research and knowledge co-production practices (in press). She is also co-organizer of 2 other books. She presented and participated in more than 30 oral communications and abstracts at national and international scientific events. I developed my PhD project, funded by FCT (PD/BD/105705/2014), with a doctoral thesis entitled "European Citizenship: What do I want it for? Meanings of national and European citizenship for young people from non-dominant ethnic groups in a Portuguese school". This thesis resulted from a four-year grant scholarship, publishing scientific papers, to be granted with an Emerging Researchers Award issued by ECER, with a paper and, a research internship in Brazil. I started my research path in 2012 at FPCEUP´s Research and Educational Intervention Centre. I am currently a doctoral researcher in the ClimActiC Project: Connecting Citizenship and Science [NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000071], at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto; during 2021 she was a doctoral researcher in the Project EduCig - Educational Achievements among Roma: research action and co-design project, at ISCTE [PTDC/CEDG-EDG/30175/2017]. She worked as a research fellow in the project "GROW.UP - Grow up in border regions in Portugal: young people, educational paths and agendas" at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto. In 2014, I assumed the position of research trainee in the project "Building Pillars of the European Project with Education, Culture, and Citizenship". She works in the areas of Social Sciences, with emphasis on Education Sciences.
Email alternativo:
CORDIS Keywords:
Sustainable development
Social aspects
Education, Training
Estatuto no CIPES:
Investigador colaborador