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Stoer, Stephen R, and António Magalhães. The Reconfiguration Of The Modern Social Contract: New Forms Of Citizenship And Education. European Educational Research Journal 1, no. 4. European Educational Research Journal (2002): 692-704. doi:10.2304/eerj.2002.1.4.7.
Stoer, Stephen R, and António Magalhães. Educação, Conhecimento E A Sociedade Em Rede. Educação & Sociedade 24. Educação & Sociedade (2003): 1179-1202. doi:10.1590/s0101-73302003000400005.
Stoer, Stephen R, and António Magalhães. Education, Knowledge And The Network Society. Globalisation, Societies And Education 2, no. 3. Globalisation, Societies And Education (2004): 319-335. doi:10.1080/1476772042000252443.

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