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Teixeira, P., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. Is There A Higher Education Market In Portugal?. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 291-310. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Teixeira, P., V. Rocha, Ana Rita Biscaia, and M.F. Cardoso. Competition And Diversification In Public And Private Higher Education. Applied Economics 45, no. 35. Applied Economics (2013): 4949-4958. doi:10.1080/00036846.2013.808310.
Teixeira, P., and António Almodovar. Catholic Economic Thought. In The New Palgrave Dictionary Of Economics. 2nd ed. The New Palgrave Dictionary Of Economics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. doi:10.1057/9780230226203.0208.
Teixeira, P., and Alberto Amaral. Portuguese Higher Education: More Competition And Less Market Regulation?. In Higher Education And The Market, 98-109. Higher Education And The Market. London: Routledge, 2011. doi:10.4324/9780203849002.
Teixeira, P. Jacob Mincer: A Founding Father Of Modern Labor Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199211319.001.0001.
Teixeira, P., Sunwoong Kim, Pablo Landoni, and Zulfiqar Gilani. Introduction. In Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges, xi-xiv. Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2017.
Teixeira, P. Economic Beliefs And Institutional Politics: Human Capital Theory And The Changing Views Of The World Bank About Education (1950–1985). European Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought 24. European Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought (2017): 465-492. doi:10.1080/09672567.2016.1186205.
Teixeira, P., V. Rocha, Ana Rita Biscaia, and M.F. Cardoso. Public And Private Higher Education In Europe: Competition, Complementarity Or Worlds Apart?. In Knowledge, Diversity And Performance In European Higher Education: A Changing Landscape, 84-105. Knowledge, Diversity And Performance In European Higher Education: A Changing Landscape, 2014. doi:10.4337/9781783472000.00009.
Teixeira, P. Eppur Si Muove: Marketization And Privatization Trends In The European Higher Education Area. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area 4. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area (2011): 57-72.
Teixeira, P. Reflecting About Current Trends In Higher Education Research: A View From The Journals. In The Development Of Higher Education Research In Europe: 25 Years Of Cher, 103-120. The Development Of Higher Education Research In Europe: 25 Years Of Cher. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2013. doi:10.1007/978-94-6209-401-7.
Teixeira, P., B. Jongbloed, Alberto Amaral, and D. Dill. Introduction. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 1-12. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Veiga, L.G. Researching The Bologna Process Through The Lens Of The Policy Cycle. European And Latin American Higher Education Between Mirrors. European And Latin American Higher Education Between Mirrors (2014): 91-108.
Veiga, L.G., and Cláudia Sarrico. Changes In Governance. Do They Help Overcome Barriers To The Implementation Of The European Standards And Guidelines For Quality Assurance In Higher Education?. In Drivers And Barriers To Achieving Quality In Higher Education, 67–81. Drivers And Barriers To Achieving Quality In Higher Education. Springer Science $\mathplus$ Business Media, 2014. doi:10.1007/978-94-6209-494-9_6.
Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. The Open Method Of Coordination And The Implementation Of The Bologna Process. Tertiary Education And Management 12. Tertiary Education And Management (2006): 283-295. doi:10.1080/13583883.2006.9967174.
Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. Implementing Bologna In Southern European Countries: Comparative Analysis Of Some Research Findings. Education For Chemical Engineers 3, no. 1. Education For Chemical Engineers (2008): 47-56.
Veiga, L.G., and António Magalhães. Reconfiguring Portuguese Higher Education: Between National And European Priorities. In Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison After Twenty Years Of Bologna, 137-150. Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven and Liudvika Leišytė (Eds.). Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison After Twenty Years Of Bologna. Leiden: Brill Publishers., 2019.
Veiga, L.G., Cristina Sin, and Alberto Amaral. Programmes Outside Bologna Models: Integrated Masters In The Portuguese Context. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area 3. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area (2012): 2-16.

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