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Diogo, Sara, Milka Barbosa, and Teresa Carvalho. An International Comparative Perspective On Higher Education Institutions’ Governance And Management – Portugal, Finland, And Brazil. In Intercultural Studies In Higher Education, 109–133. A. Moreira, P. Jen-Jacques, N. Bagnall . Intercultural Studies In Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 2019. doi:
Diogo, Sara, Anabela Queirós, and Teresa Carvalho. Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society: Exploring Portuguese Academics’ Trade-Off. In Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society. F. Huang, T. Aarrevaara, U. Teichler. Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society. Springer, In Press.
Diogo, Sara, Andreia Gonçalves, Sónia Cardoso, and Teresa Carvalho. Tales Of Doctoral Students: Motivations And Expectations On The Route To The Unknown. Education Sciences 12, no. 4. Education Sciences (2022): 286. doi:
Diogo, Sara. Implementing The Bologna Process In Portugal And In Finland: National And Institutional Realities In Perspective. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area no. 1. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area (2014): 35-54.
Diogo, Sara. Same Challenges, Different Processes: Perceptions On Governance Changes In Portuguese And Finnish Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education (2014). doi:10.1080/21568235.2014.967793.
Diogo, Sara, Teresa Carvalho, and Alberto Amaral. Institutionalism And Organisational Change. In The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance, 114-131. J. Huisman, H. de Boer, D. Dill, M. Souto-Otero . The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan , 2015. doi:
Dill, D., and P. Teixeira. Program Diversity In Higher Education: An Economic Perspective. Higher Education Policy 13. Higher Education Policy (2000): 99-117. doi:10.1016/S0952-8733(99)00026-4.
Dill, D., P. Teixeira, B. Jongbloed, and Alberto Amaral. Conclusion. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 327-352. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Becoming Young Or Student: A Developmental Challenge. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia (2013). doi:10.14195/1647-8614\_47-2\_4.
Dias, D., Sónia Cardoso, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. The Eua Institutional Evaluation Programme And The Development Of An Internal Quality Culture. Journal Of European Higher Education Area 1/2014. Journal Of European Higher Education Area (2014): 1-12.
Dias, D., I Soares, D. Dias, A. Monteiro, and J Proença. Learning Outcomes And Employability: A Case Study On Mamagement Academic Programmes. In Inted2017 Proceedings. Inted2017 Proceedings, 2017. doi:10.21125/inted.2017.1518.
Dias, D., and Diana Soares. Highlighting Entrepreneurship Skills In Academic Curricula: “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”. In Edulearn17 Proceedings. Edulearn17 Proceedings. IATED, 2017. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.1548.
Dias, D., Diana Soares, L. Almeida, Claisy Maria Marinho-Araujo, and António G Ferreira. Resultados De Aprendizagem No Quadro Do Ensino Superior Português: Definição E Medida. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2017): 41. doi:10.17979/reipe.2017.0.12.2423.
Dias, D., M. L. Machado-Taylor, Rui Santiago, Teresa Carvalho, and Sofia Sousa. Portugal: Dimensions Of Academic Job Satisfaction. In Job Satisfaction Around The Academic World, 7:187-208. Job Satisfaction Around The Academic World. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
Dias, D., and Diana Soares. Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun”: Is Creativity A Real Learning Outcome Of Higher Education? . Proceedings Of Edulearn18 Conference. Proceedings Of Edulearn18 Conference, 2018.
Dias, D., Alberto Amaral, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and A. Tavares. Assessment As A Tool For Different Kinds Of Action: From Quality Management To Compliance And Control. In Quality Assessment For Higher Education In Europe, 43-53. Quality Assessment For Higher Education In Europe. London: Portland Press, 2007.
Dias, D., Maria José Sá, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. The Faculty Conjugated As Feminine: A Portrait Of Portuguese Academia. Journal Of Further And Higher Education 37. Journal Of Further And Higher Education (2013): 21–37. doi:10.1080/0309877x.2011.643776.
Dias, D., Sónia Cardoso, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. Impact Areas Of Iep Evaluations. In A Twenty-Year Contribution To Institutional Change: Eua’s Institutional Evaluation Programme. A Twenty-Year Contribution To Institutional Change: Eua’s Institutional Evaluation Programme. Brussels, Belgium: European University Association , 2014.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Do Ensino Secundário Para O Superior: O Impacto Emocional Da Transição [From High School To Higher Education: The Emotional Impact Of Transition]. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educacion: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación 19, no. 2. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educacion: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2011): 35-48.
Dias, D., Alberto Amaral, Claisy Maria Marinho-Araujo, and L. Almeida. The Democratisation Of Access And Success In Higher Education. Higher Education Management And Policy 23. Higher Education Management And Policy (2011): 1–20. doi:10.1787/hemp-23-5kgglbdlrptg.
Dias, D., Â. Leite, A. Ramires, and P. Bicho. Working With Cancer: Motivation And Job Satisfaction. International Journal Of Organizational Analysis 25. International Journal Of Organizational Analysis (2017): 662–686. doi:10.1108/ijoa-12-2016-1096.

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