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Santiago, Rui, Teresa Carvalho, and A. Vabø. Personal Characteristics, Career Trajectories And Sense Of Identity Among Male And Female Academics In Norway And Portugal. In Effects Of Higher Education Reforms, 279–303. Effects Of Higher Education Reforms. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2012. doi:10.1007/978-94-6209-016-3_15.
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Sá, Maria José, Carlos Miguel Ferreira, and Sandro Serpa. (Un)Professionalisation Or (Re)Professionalisation Of The Academic In The Brave New World?. Postmodern Openings 10, no. 2. Postmodern Openings (2019): 84-113. doi:10.18662/po/73.
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Sá, Maria José, Ana Isabel Santos, Sandro Serpa, and Carlos Miguel Ferreira. Digital Literacy In Digital Society 5.0: Some Challenges. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies 10, no. 2. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies (2021): 1-9. doi:10.36941/ajis-2021-0033.
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