Maria João Rosa
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First name:
Maria João
Last name:
Doctoral Degree
Degree title:
PhD in Industrial Management
Graduation year:
Universidade de Aveiro
Research interests:
Research interests are situated in the Quality Management area, namely regarding the implementation of quality assessment and quality management systems and models in different types of organisations. The research work has been centred mainly in education as the field of application, with a particular emphasis on higher education. In this particular field, research has been developed both at higher education systems and higher education institutions level.
Additionally there is an interest in the application of statistical techniques to the collection, treatment, analysis and resolution of quality problems. The research projects developed in the higher education field have mainly used quantitative approaches, where statistical techniques have played a very important role.
Finally it should be referred a more recent concern with issues related to performance management, namely regarding the identification and validation of adequate performance indicators, capable of informing organisational decision making.
Biographical note:
Maria João Pires da Rosa holds a degree in Chemical Engineering (1996), by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, and a PhD on Industrial Engineering (2003), by the University of Aveiro.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism at the University of Aveiro. Senior member of CIPES and collaborator member at the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP). Member of EAIR – The European Higher Education Society; member of CHER – Consortium for Higher Education Researchers; member of the editorial board of TEAM – Tertiary Education and Management; and member of the international advisory board of QHE - Quality in Higher Education. She was vice-president of the APQ/DRN (North Regional Direction of the Portuguese Association for Quality), between 2012 and 2014.
Maria João Rosa has been developing research work in the area of quality management, with higher education as the field of application. Their publications include papers in journals such as Quality Assurance in Education, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Quality Progress, Quality in Higher Education, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Education, Higher Education Policy and Minerva. She is co-editor, among others, of the books Cost-sharing and Accessibility in Higher Education: A Fairer Deal? (2006), Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation (2007), Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Contemporary Debates (2014) and Cross-Border Higher Education and Quality Assurance. Commerce, the Services Directive and Governing Higher Education (2016).
CORDIS Keywords:
Education, Training
CIPES Status:
Integrated researcher