Amélia Veiga
Separadores primários

Nome próprio:
Nome do grau:
Ciências da Educação
Ano de conclusão:
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção em Educação (CIIE)
Interesses de investigação:
Research interests focus on the sociology of education and the analysis of educational policies, in particular European policies and governance of higher education. Internationalization, globalization and quality policies are also subjects at the center of her research topcis, particularly the enactment of policies, their instruments and practices.
Nota biográfica:
AMÉLIA VEIGA is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences at the University of Porto, Portugal, and researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) and at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES). Her academic interests focus on education policy analysis, namely on the Bologna process and higher education governance in areas such as internationalisation, globalisation and quality assurance. She has been involved in national and international projects. She has written book chapters and coedited books and published articles on European integration and higher education governance in key journals such as Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education and Higher Education Quarterly.
Email alternativo:
CORDIS Keywords:
Social aspects
Education, Training
Coordination, Cooperation
Scientific Research
Estatuto no CIPES:
Investigador colaborador