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Koryakina, Tatyana, Cláudia Sarrico, and P. Teixeira. Third Mission Activities: University Managers\Textquotesingle Perceptions On Existing Barriers. European Journal Of Higher Education 5. European Journal Of Higher Education (2015): 316–330. doi:10.1080/21568235.2015.1044544.
Mazuz, K, S Biswas, and Rui Amaral Mendes. Toward An Informed-Patient Approach To E-Health Services. International Journal Of User-Driven Healthcare. International Journal Of User-Driven Healthcare (2015). doi:doi:10.4018/IJUDH.2015010105.
Sin, Cristina. Teaching And Learning: A Journey From The Nargins To The Core In European Higher Education Policy. In The European Higher Education Area, 325–341. The European Higher Education Area. Springer International Publishing, 2015. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20877-0_22.
Syed, A. Z., Rui Amaral Mendes, TM Alnakhli, and Andres Pinto. Thyroid Papillary Microcarcinoma: An Incidental Finding In A Patient With Coronoid Hyperplasia. British Medical Journal Case Reports. British Medical Journal Case Reports (2015). doi:doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-212628.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Transition To Higher Education: The Role Of Initiation Practices. Educational Research 56. Educational Research (2014): 1–12. doi:10.1080/00131881.2013.874144.
Santiago, Rui, Sofia Sousa, Teresa Carvalho, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and D. Dias. Teaching And Research: Perspectives From Portugal. In Teaching And Research In Contemporary Higher Education: Systems, Activities And Rewards, 153–176. Teaching And Research In Contemporary Higher Education: Systems, Activities And Rewards. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6830-7_9.
Carvalho, Teresa, K. White, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Top University Managers And Affirmative Action. Equality, Diversity And Inclusion 32. Equality, Diversity And Inclusion (2013): 394-409.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Tornar-Se Jovem Ou Estudante: Um Desafio Desenvolvimental [Becoming Young Or A Student: A Developmental Challenge]. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia 47, no. 2. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia (2013): 65-84.
Sá, C., D. Dias, and Orlanda Tavares. Tendências Recentes No Ensino Superior Português. Lisboa: A3ES - Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior, 2013.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, and Alberto Amaral. Is There A Bridge Between Quality And Quality Assurance?. In Managing Reform In Universities. The Dynamics Of Culture, Identity And Organisational Change, 114–134. Managing Reform In Universities. The Dynamics Of Culture, Identity And Organisational Change. Chippenham and Eastbourne: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Trans-National Accountability Initiatives: The Case Of The Eua Audits. In Accountability In Higher Education: Global Perspectives On Trust And Power, 203-220. Accountability In Higher Education: Global Perspectives On Trust And Power. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Carvalho, C., C Brito, and José António Sarsfield Cabral. Towards A Conceptual Model For Assessing The Quality Of Public Services. International Review On Public And Nonprofit Marketing 7. International Review On Public And Nonprofit Marketing (2010): 69-86.
Rodrigues, Carlos, and Ana Sofia Melo. The Triple Helix Model As Inspiration Of Local Development Policies: An Experience-Based Perspective. In Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010. Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010. Pécs (Hungary), 24-26 May, 2010.
Teixeira, P. Theodore William Schultz. In The Elgar Companion To The Chicago School Of Economics, 326-330. The Elgar Companion To The Chicago School Of Economics, 2010.
Amaral, Alberto. Transforming Higher Education. In From Governance To Identity, 77–91. From Governance To Identity. Dordrecht: Springer, 2008.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Trends In Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Does Eua Fall Into These Trends?. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 17–30. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
Teixeira, P., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. Is There A Higher Education Market In Portugal?. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 291-310. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.

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