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. “Strategic Positioning In The Knowledge Society: The Issues And The Challenges”. Mske 2011 International Conference. Mske 2011 International Conference. Vila Nova de Famalicão, 2011.
. “Self-Development Competences And Pbl In An Accounting Course: Students, Tutors, Graduates And Employers Perspectives |Competências De Autodesenvolvimento E Metodologias Pbl Num Curso De Contabilidade: Perspectivas De Alunos, Docentes, Diplomados E Emprega”. Revista Lusofona De Educacao. Revista Lusofona De Educacao (2011): 147-166.
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. “Satisfação E Motivação Dos Docentes No Ensino Superior Português: Um Estudo Em Curso”. Administração Educacional 7/8. Administração Educacional (2010): 33-41.
. “The Study Of Academic Job Satisfaction And Motivation: An Ongoing Study In Portuguese Higher Education”. Global Business & Economics Anthology (Gbea) II, no. 2. Global Business & Economics Anthology (Gbea) (2010): 242-246.
. “The Struggle For Strategic Planning In European Higher Education: The Case Of Portugal”. Research In Higher Education Journal 6. Research In Higher Education Journal (2010): 44-64.
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. “Survey On The Implementation Of The Bologna Process In Portugal”. Higher Education 57, no. 1. Higher Education (2008): 57–69.
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. “A Self-Assessment Of Higher Education Institutions From The Perspective Of The Efqm Excellence Model”. In Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Trends In Regulation, Translation And Transformation, 181-208. Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Trends In Regulation, Translation And Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007.
. “Survival Analysis And Competing Risk Models Of Hospital Length Of Stay And Discharge Destination: The Effect Of Distributional Assumptions”. Health Services And Outcomes Research Methodology 7. Health Services And Outcomes Research Methodology (2007): 109-124.
. “Strategic Planning In U.s. Higher Education: Can It Succeed In Europe?”. Planning For Higher Education 35, no. 2. Planning For Higher Education (2007): 5-17.
. “Strategic Enrollment Management: Improving Student Satisfaction And Success In Portugal”. Higher Education Management And Policy 20, no. 1. Higher Education Management And Policy (2007): 129-145.
. “Students' Perceptions On The Influence Of Institutional Evaluation On Universities”. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education 31. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education (2006): 625-638.
. “Strategic Planning In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions”. Planning For Higher Education 34, no. 1. Planning For Higher Education (2005): 29-39.
. “The Status Of Strategic Planning In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions: Trapping Or Substance?”. Higher Education Policy 17. Higher Education Policy (2004): 383-404.