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Sarrico, Cláudia. Trust In Portuguese Public Authorities (2006). doi:10.2753/pin1099-9922080106.
Sarsfield Cabral, José António, and G Beirão. Enhancing Service Quality In Public Transport Systems. Urban Transport Xii: Urban Transport And The Environment In The 21St Century. Urban Transport Xii: Urban Transport And The Environment In The 21St Century. Prague, Czech Republic, July 12-14, 2006. doi:10.2495/ut060811.
Taylor, J.S., and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Higher Education Leadership And Management: From Conflict To Interdependence Through Strategic Planning. Tertiary Education And Management 12. Tertiary Education And Management (2006): 137-160.
Teixeira, P., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. A Broader Church? Expansion, Access And Cost-Sharing In Portuguese Higher Education. In Cost-Sharing And Accessibility In Higher Education: A Fairer Deal?, 241-264. Cost-Sharing And Accessibility In Higher Education: A Fairer Deal? Dordrecht: Springer-Kluwer, 2006.
Veiga, L.G., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. The Internationalisation Of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. Higher Education Management 18, no. 1. Higher Education Management (2006): 113-128.
Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. The Open Method Of Coordination And The Implementation Of The Bologna Process. Tertiary Education And Management 12. Tertiary Education And Management (2006): 283-295. doi:10.1080/13583883.2006.9967174.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and L.G. Veiga. Institutional Internationalisation Strategies In A Context Of State Inefficiency. In On Cooperation And Competition Ii, 249-275. On Cooperation And Competition Ii. Bonn: Lemmens, 2005.
Amaral, Alberto. Bolonha E A Economia. In Temas Do Processo De Bolonha, 105-115. Temas Do Processo De Bolonha. Lisboa: CNAVES, 2005.
Amaral, Alberto, and L.G. Veiga. The Bologna Process: Commoditisation, Accreditation And The Implementation Gap. In The Common European Space Of Education, Science And Culture, 206-213. The Common European Space Of Education, Science And Culture. Chelyabinsk: Southern Ural State University, 2005.
Gornitzka, A., M. Kogan, and Alberto Amaral. Introduction. In Reform And Change In Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation, 1-14. Reform And Change In Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., J.S. Taylor, M. Farhangmehr, and R. B Wilkinson. Strategic Planning In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. Planning For Higher Education 34, no. 1. Planning For Higher Education (2005): 29-39.
Melo, Ana Sofia. Águeda: Um Distrito Industrial Marshalliano?. In 11º Encontro Da Associação Portuguesa Para O Desenvolvimento Regional (Apdr). 11º Encontro Da Associação Portuguesa Para O Desenvolvimento Regional (Apdr). Faro (Portugal), Faculdade de Economia (Universidade do Algarve), September 16-18, 2005.
Melo, Ana Sofia. The Bologna Process In Portugal And At The University Of Aveiro. In Primera Reunión De La Red Europea De Grado En Comercio. Primera Reunión De La Red Europea De Grado En Comercio. Alicante (Espanha), Universidad de Alicante, September 27-28, 2005.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, P Saraiva, and H. Diz. Defining Strategic And Excellence Bases For The Development Of Portuguese Higher Education. European Journal Of Education 40. European Journal Of Education (2005): 205-221.
Rubery, J., Damian Grimshaw, and Hugo Figueiredo. How To Close The Gender Pay Gap In Europe : Towards The Gender Mainstreaming Of Pay Policy. Industrial Relations Journal 36. Industrial Relations Journal (2005): 184–213. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2338.2005.00353.x.
Sá, C.. Review Of: The Student City.. Papers In Regional Science, Vol. 84, N. 2 (June 2005): 298-300. Papers In Regional Science, Vol. 84, N. 2 (June 2005): 298-300, 2005.
Sarrico, Cláudia. An Introduction To Data Envelopment Analysis: A Tool For Performance Measurement. Journal Of The Operational Research Society 56. Journal Of The Operational Research Society (2005): 751-752.

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