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Guerra, F., M. Patrão, and C. Gomes. Covid-19 And Vulnerability: An Analysis From The Municipality Of Aveiro. Iii International Seminar Social Vulnerabilities And Health. Iii International Seminar Social Vulnerabilities And Health. Setúbal: Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal Apoio financeiro, 2021. http:// hdl.handle.net/10400.26/38528.
Guerra, F. Next Generation Eu: An Economic Response Built Between Political Tensions. New Zealand Journal Of Research On Europe (Nzjre). New Zealand Journal Of Research On Europe (Nzjre) (2021). https://cdn.auckland.ac.nz/assets/europe/EI Journals/2021/Guerra_NZJRE_2021.pdf.
Jordão, Carina, Teresa Carvalho, and Sara Diogo. Planos De Igualdade De Género Nas Instituições De Ensino Superior Em Portugal: A Remar Contra A Corrente? . In Xi Congresso Português De Sociologia: Identidades Ao Rubro: Diferenças, Pertenças E Populismos Num Mundo Efervescente. Xi Congresso Português De Sociologia: Identidades Ao Rubro: Diferenças, Pertenças E Populismos Num Mundo Efervescente. Online Conference: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, 2021. https://aps.pt/wp-content/uploads/XI_Congresso/Sexualidade_XI-APS-71666.pdf.
Jordão, Carina, Sara Diogo, and Teresa Carvalho. Where Is Gender? A Missing Variable In Scientific Research. In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: IATED Academy, 2021. doi:https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.1948 .
Kaewmanee, Pongsathon, and Teresa Carvalho. The Public Policy Process In University Internationalization: A Literlature Review.. In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021. doi:https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.2160 .
Magalhães, António. Overview Of Higher Education (Portugal). In Bloomsbury Education And Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Education And Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury, 2021. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350934382.009.
Magalhães, António. Caminhos E Dilemas Da Educação Superior Na Era Do Digital. Educação & Sociedade. Educação & Sociedade (2021). doi:https://doi.org/10.1590/ES.249245.
Peterson, Helen, Teresa Carvalho, Birgitta Jordansson, and Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor. Institutionalised Resistance To Gender Equality Initiatives In Swedish And Portuguese Academia. In Gender, Power And Higher Education In A Globalised World, 226. P. O'Connor, K. White. Gender, Power And Higher Education In A Globalised World. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69687-0_2.
Queluz, F. NF, L. Santis, L. F Kirchner, J. Aguiar, and M. HO Henklain. The Relationship Between The Impact Of Covid-19 And The Social Skills Of Caregivers Of Dependent Older Adults. In Social Skills: Influencing Factors, Gender Differences And Impact Of Covid-19 , 147-161. Social Skills: Influencing Factors, Gender Differences And Impact Of Covid-19 . Nova Science Publishers, 2021. https://doi.org/10.52305/HBRT8912.
Rocha, Paula, Teresa Carvalho, and Carlos Rodrigues. External Link Activities And Academic Careers In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. . In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021. doi:https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.2029.
Sá, Maria José, and Sandro Serpa. The Relationship Between Basic Education And Higher Education In A Pandemic Context: The Portuguese Situation. Science Insights Education Frontiers 8, no. 2. Science Insights Education Frontiers (2021): 1029-1036. doi:10.15354/sief.21.sc002.
Sá, Maria José, Ana Isabel Santos, Sandro Serpa, and Carlos Miguel Ferreira. Digitainability – Digital Competences Post-Covid-19 For A Sustainable Society. Sustainability 13, no. 17. Sustainability (2021): 9564. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179564.
Sá, Maria José, Ana Isabel Santos, Sandro Serpa, and Carlos Miguel Ferreira. Digital Literacy In Digital Society 5.0: Some Challenges. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies 10, no. 2. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies (2021): 1-9. doi:10.36941/ajis-2021-0033.
Sá, Maria José, and Sandro Serpa. A Formação Em Competências Transversais E A Empregabilidade [Training In Soft Skills And Employability]. In Uaciência. Ciências Da Engenharia, Exatas, Saúde E Biotecnologia, E Sociais E Humanas 2012-2019 [Uaciência. Engineering, Exact, Health And Biotechnology, And Social And Human Sciences 2012-2019], 275-277. Uaciência. Ciências Da Engenharia, Exatas, Saúde E Biotecnologia, E Sociais E Humanas 2012-2019 [Uaciência. Engineering, Exact, Health And Biotechnology, And Social And Human Sciences 2012-2019]. Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores, 2021.
Sá, Maria José, and Sandro Serpa. The Academic Supervisor Of Higher Education Students’ Final Projects: A Gatekeeper Of Quality?. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies 10, no. 1. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies (2021): 152-160. doi:10.36941/ajis-2021-0013.
Sarrico, Cláudia, and Ana Godonoga. Higher Education System Rankings And Benchmarking. In Research Handbook On University Rankings: Theory, Methodology, Influence And Impact, 197-209. Research Handbook On University Rankings: Theory, Methodology, Influence And Impact. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788974981.00025.

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