Elevating Higher Education Public Policies: An Empowering Springbroard

Acrónimo do projeto: 
Data início do projeto: 
Data fim do projeto: 
Investigadores principais: 
Instituição proponente: 
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Din Iasi (UAIC), Romania
Instituições participantes: 
Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB), Chile; Sorbonne Universite (SU), France; Universite de Strasbourg (UNISTRA), France; Institut Europeen D'etudes Du Developpement (IEED), France; Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (JLU), Germany; Universita Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO), Italy; Kokuritsu Daigaku Hojin Okayama Daigaku (OKA), Japan; Doshisha University (DU), Japan; The Public Authority For Applied Education And Training (PAAET), Kuwait; Asociatia Obsteasca Institutul Pentru Politici Si Reforme Europene (IPRE), Republic of Moldova; The American University Of Moldova (AUM), Republic of Moldova; Universitatea De Studii Politice Si Economice Europene Constantin Stere (USPEE), Republic of Moldova.
Descrição do projeto: 
This project addresses innovative strategies to strengthen public policies and improve the competitiveness of the higher education sector, taking into considerations the two forces which shaped the current world of higher education (HE) – the humanistic traditions of university governance and the neo-liberal reforms of the past thirty years –, and suggesting alternative actions to overcome some major crises, such as the tension between traditional and neo-liberal academic values; the biased evaluation and assessment of quality in higher education; the ineffectiveness determined by the distorted measurements of scientific achievements; and the recent digital transformations of the universities facing the pandemic. Relying on a world-class and culturally diverse consortium, HESPRI aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for governments, policymakers and universities, to adjust various components of HE policies, in response to current challenges.
Keywords do projeto: 
Higher Education (HE) Policy, Policy Analysis, Evaluation and Assessment in HE, HE Governance and Interdisciplinarity, Digital Innovation in HE and Transfer to Society, Piloting
Montante de financiamento: 
Entidade financiadora: 
Horizon Europe research and innovation programme

© CIPES 2019