CIPES - Center for Research in Higher Education Policies - is a private association, founded by the Universities of Aveiro and Porto and open to other institutions of higher education. CIPES was established in 1998 and from the outset, its mission has been to engage in scholarly research in order to advance critical thought and promote informed understanding about the vital policy issues confronting higher education at both the national and international arenas.

The breadth and depth of projects and publications encompasses the major higher education policy issues and reflects the wide diversity of academic backgrounds of the researchers at the Centre. Since its inception, CIPES has considered the internationalization of its activities as a central aspect of its development, and is nowadays an active partner in various research projects in the field of higher education policies, in Europe and in the world. CIPES has been participating actively in international research projects, and it is usual for its researchers to participate in international conferences and to publish in relevant international journals in the field.

CIPES has always committed with the organization of several seminars and international conference in a diversity of research themes, with the objective of raising the knowledge of its research groups, as well as attaining a higher degree of international visibility. Nowadays, CIPES is organized around three main research themes: i) System Level Policies (SLP), ii) Institutional and Organizational Analysis (IOA) and iii) Economic and Social Relevance of Higher Education (ESRHE). Welcome and please feel free to browse our website.

© CIPES 2019