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Dias, D. Students' Choices In Portuguese Higher Education: Influences And Motivations. European Journal Of Psychology Of Education 28. European Journal Of Psychology Of Education (2013): 437-451.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., R. Brites, and Maria José Sá. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior: Análise E Discussão Dos Resultados [Higher Education Student Satisfaction: Analysis And Discussion Of Results]. In Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students], 63-177. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students]. Matosinhos: CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, 2013.
Magalhães, António, M. L. Machado-Taylor, J.S. Taylor, and Maria José Sá. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior: Constructos Teóricos [Higher Education Student Satisfaction: Theoretical Constructs]. In Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students], 7-50. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students]. Matosinhos: CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, 2013.
Viana, F L, Iolanda Ribeiro, Sara Brandão, Sandra Santos, and Irene Cadime. Speaking, Reading And Writing: Integrative Proposals For Kindergarten.. In Congreso Internacional Sobre Tendencias Actuales En El Estudio De La Lectura. Congreso Internacional Sobre Tendencias Actuales En El Estudio De La Lectura. Madrid, Espanha: Facultad de Humanidades UNED., 2013.
Cardoso, Sónia, B. Stensaker, Jussi Välimaa, and Cláudia Sarrico. Students' Perceptions Of Quality Assessment: Is There An Option Besides Treating Them As Consumers?. In Managing Reform In Universities, 135–155. Managing Reform In Universities. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9781137284297_8.
Dias, D., Maria José Sá, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Ser Docente Em Portugal: Percursos De Género [To Be An Academic In Portugal: Gender Paths]. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educacion: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación 20. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía E Educacion: Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación (2012): 201-215.
Fontes, Margarida, C. Sousa, and Pedro Videira. Social Networks And The Entrepreneurial Process In Molecular Biotechnology In Portugal: From Science To Industry. Social Networks, Innovation And The Knowledge Economy. Social Networks, Innovation And The Knowledge Economy (2012): 128-162.
Neave, G. The Significance Of Evaluative Homogeneity. In The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe, 48–60. The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9780230370227_4.
Neave, G. Strengthening The Evaluative State: Strategy, Values And Rhetoric. In The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe, 80–91. The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9780230370227_6.
Neave, G. Setting The Scene. In The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe, 3–24. The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9780230370227_1.
Sarrico, Cláudia, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. School Performance Management Practices And School Achievement. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management 61. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management (2012): 272-289.
Teixeira, Aurora AC, Sandra Silva, and P. Teixeira. The Scientific Contribution Of Leonor Vasconcelos Ferreira. Notas Económicas. Notas Económicas (2012): 10–19. doi:10.14195/2183-203x_35_1.
Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. Soft Law And The Implementation Problems Of The Bologna Process. Educação, Sociedade E Culturas 36. Educação, Sociedade E Culturas (2012): 121–140.
Cardoso, Sónia, and Sandra Santos. Students In Higher Education Governance: The Portuguese Case. Tertiary Education And Management 17. Tertiary Education And Management (2011): 233-246.
Carvalho, Teresa, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Senior Management In Higher Education. In Gender, Power And Management, 90–109. Gender, Power And Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. doi:10.1057/9780230305953_5.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., R. Brites, António Magalhães, and Maria José Sá. Student Satisfaction With Higher Education: Critical Data For Student Development. European Journal Of Education 46, no. 3. European Journal Of Education (2011): 415-432.
Machado-Taylor, M. L. Strategic Positioning In The Knowledge Society: The Issues And The Challenges. Mske 2011 International Conference. Mske 2011 International Conference. Vila Nova de Famalicão, 2011.

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